15 December 2008

Happy Christmas (School is Over)

Take that, John Lennon. If only you were so smart. At least school being over is realistic...


I just finished school yesterday! Hooray! I'm pondering all the possibilities of what I can do with my time before I leave for vacation. Today I've decided I will devote to laundry and scrapbooking.

Yes, scrapbooking. No, I am not an old lady--at least not in the traditional sense of the title--or a SAHM with toddlers biting at my ankles. I am 21, and I like to think I have at least an ounce or so of coolness (and it just dripped out of me once I said "coolness"). Cool kids can scrapbook too.

It's my way of pretending I'm creative. I am most certainly not a rational/logical thinker--I'm much more inclined to creativity--but I have like nothing to show for it. Scrapbooking is the stuff I have to show for it.

Anyhow, I would stay and chat more, but I am for real excited to get cracking. I haven't worked on scrapbook stuff since like last summer, I've been so busy. Toodles, friends!


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