09 January 2009


So, is it ridiculous that I am up right now? It's ridiculous.

I like to pretend it's still jet lag, but that sounds pretentious and dumb. It is partially jet lag, but it's also the fact that I'm sick, took a benadryl, and gave in to sweet, sweet sleep at 2 in the afternoon, after having awakened not until eleven.

So it's nearly five am, and I've been reading (Clayburn series by Deborah Raney--check them out, they're good), and watching Christmas movies off my DVR (don't get too excited--no good classics, just junky Lifetime originals--huzzah!), and looking at Facebook pictures of everyone else's holidays, and checking up on blogs. By the way, I'm impressed at your keeping up, Joyous. Would that I would continue to be so faithful.

Anyhow, blogging is difficult when, in December, sunshine and seventies are calling your name outside a window that showcases downtown LA and leaks in marching music from the Rose Parade marchers in the Dodgers' parking lot. Some noisy neighbors, those Dodgers. In a good way, though.

Just saying, California is nice. Oh, is it nice. And I missed an earthquake by a day! I left Wednesday, earthquake on Thursday. SoCal was just so sad to see me go, it just couldn't contain its grief. It was shudder-y type sobs for my absence. Funny joke.

I think I'm going to make this an all-nighter (an all-nighter?! after 21?! I never thought I'd see the sunrise again! I feel so old sometimes...). It's to that point where there's just no way you're going to get a satisfying sleep. Like if I went to bed now, I'd either 1. make myself arise at 8 and be a wreck for the rest of the day or 2. sleep in until 1 in the afternoon, feel like a pig for the rest of the afternoon, and then repeat the sleeplessness cycle all over again. And number two isn't an option because I have to get my brother to physical therapy at 11:30. Hence, all-nighter. How bad can it be?

It can be bad. I haven't done this since I was like...16. It's scary to me that that was kind of a long time ago. It feels weird that I can't still say I'm sixteen. Of course, that may just be because it's five in the morning. But I've always had this weird fixation with disbelief at my real age. Not like I'm in denial, like I hate that I'm this "aged," but just a stoner-like (not that I would know anything about stoner-like anything) "whoa, dude, seriously, how can I be old enough to drive?" I'm kind of moronic sometimes.

On another note, I know it's slightly past new years, but I'm still in the new years-y type mood. My NY was nice, but the party was partially outside, and I was cold, and old, and tired, so things felt slightly lacklustre and anti-climactic. And I was away from home. So now I feel like being all new years-ish and stating my intentions for the year.

Numero Uno: more quality time with me and the Lord. I'm such an unmitigated jerk about Him and me sometimes. He deserves super much more than I tend to give.

Secondly, ugh, exercise. Put those fancy MTV yoga/pilates DVDs to good use, get out the old running shoes (which are already out b/c I brought them to California), and just general health promotion. For example, I've decided I may only have one regular size, regular soda a week. I can't quit cold turkey--I've tried.

I also am trying to get up a level or two on my math placements. It would shave quite a bit of time and money off my schooling. So I'll be working on jolly numbers this semester that I have off.

And speaking of the semester off, I have great intentions for it. I plan on being more consistent with my Italian lessons, doing some scrapbooking, reading some good books, exercising more, reading my Bible more in depth, finishing my dad-blamed novel once and for all, and one of the most important things right now, helping out better around the house. My mom gave me a list, and I feel like it'll be more pleasant to do them because she wants them to get done, rather than because I'm made to. I'm stupid, but I, against my own better judgment, resent being told that I have to do things. Isn't that the nature of us all, friends? Anyhow.

I've only killed about twenty minutes writing this, hopefully you haven't killed as much reading it. But I'm going to go find some stuff to do before I fall asleep and ruin everything. Good morning, all!


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