11 December 2008

The Ever Useful Ellipsis...

So I'm waiting for my obligatory holiday mix cd to burn, and decided to check things out here, you know, the whole excitement part of it has not quite worn off yet. But so I was looking at my little archive-y list of posts, and I realized... I used an ellipsis... in every title.

And I wonder, is that going to be my thing, or is that really annoying. I'm leaning towards the obnoxious side. It drives me crazy when people have things. For example, I read one blog the other day where the lady numbered every point she was writing about. 1. I went to the store today. 2. I really like spinach. And so on.

But now that I've started the ellipsis thing, even if subconsciously ("believe me, sir, it was most unconsciously done," I just watched that the other day and now I'm word-vomiting P & P everywhere), can I stop? I would like to stop, but then it's going to bug me that my first five--make that six--posts had an ellipsis in the title. Oh, how obsessive compulsive tendencies plague my existence.

On the plus side, my cd is almost done burning, then I must run off to meeting. I'm kind of weirdly excited because I get to wear these crazy socks I got in Madison over the summer--they're really high, and they look warm, so we shall see! Until next time, viewers, readers, whatever you are.


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