09 December 2008

Oh, Chi-city...

Who doesn't know about Chicago's, and thus Illinois', penchant for corruption? Vote early, vote often and the whole bit. I'm at work, watching children and watching internet news, and what is the first story to pop up? Rod Blagojevich has been arrested! Hahah... I mean, er, what a shock...

Apparently he tried to sell Obama's old Senate seat. : ) Good one, Rod. What a great idea. He also refused to help Tribune Co. with some crazy deal involving Wrigley Field unless they fired people who wrote bad stuff about him in the Trib. : ) The FBI tapped all his phone lines and stuff, and uncovered a majorly huge bunch of corruption. Would it be unnecessary for me to say, I saw this coming a mile away? I suppose so, so I won't say it.

I don't know anything about politics, and my gut feelings are not famous for being right, but once in a while, I guess about stuff. When I heard Rod Blagojevich's name and saw his face, I decided then and there I didn't like him. I could be all psychic-y and say this was why, that I knew he was bad news, but really I just thought he looked and sounded smarmy--well, smarmier than most politicians. So even if I didn't have a reason for not liking him--now I do! Haha. This is not a very Christ-like attitude, so... I really do feel sorry for him that he's been outed in such a big way, but really, you reap what you sow...so...sorry Rod. Sorry you were so greedy. Join the ranks of all the other corrupt Illinois elected officials. You're in...infamous company?

Whatever. Chicago will always be my favorite city ever, in spite of its corruption. Or maybe because of it? It does give the city a certain amount of color it wouldn't have otherwise. The corruption seems kind of like a legacy that tells of its scrappy beginnings. I liken Chicago to a little orphan child who realized it would have to do some dirty work to make it in the world, one who became a saavy little street urchin. Now, it's just a slightly older, wiser street urchin, who has gotten his hands on some nice duds. Ha. I'm too harsh. Chicago really is a great place, in spite of its failings. The city of Big Shoulders may have a bit of a rotten side, but it's still my favorite.


Firefly said...

I love your use of the word "smarmy".
Blago is a tool. A huge bag of crap tool. Not too long ago, he used money that was intended for teachers' pensions. Yeah. Great guy. Really wanted to serve the city.
But Chicago is awesome. My favorite city too. :-) Love your analogy.

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