02 September 2009

Hai, get writing!

Ahhhh, how good it is to be back. I miss this. So much. But Life! It's so busy! It's hard.

I'm on my first official semester as a DECLARED (!) English major (the bells in my heart are a-ringing...), which is marvelous, but time consuming. And it's like for real college now! Haha. I'm taking a sociolinguistics class. It makes me feel smart to say, but stupid because it's hard. : ) The rest of school is pretty easy, but also mostly boring: computer classes (2, ugh), a library class, and research writing class. Sorry guys, not my things.

And the wedding went off without a hitch. Old Lady Rachel really is an old married lady, haha. Good times.

And the other major summer event in my world: ah Romania. This will mayhap seem off the subject, but believe me, it's not. I have to explain something. This is how I am: I get obsessions. I've been this way since I was a wee lass. I live in a world of superlatives basically. If I like something, I LOVE it. If I dislike something, I can't STAND it. It's me. Whatever. But so I've always been particularly susceptible to long, hard, obsessions. In my earlier days, it was boy bands and I don't know, tv shows maybe?

These days it's more...entire countries (and still boy bands) (but not really) (but sort of still yes haha). I say it like it's happened a million times, and like it has only to do with the physical country, but there's more to it than that. I had a baby obsession in Canada (I know, can you believe it?) when I started to have friends from there. But my first big one was England. Oh lands, am I ever an anglophile. Oooooh lands. You've never seen such an one. I went with school one year and loved it, but then went again two years later and LOVED it even more, having experienced what it was like to actually be with (and beFRIEND) some locals. And the obsession continued.

And yet. I think my anglo-obsession has been dethroned (audible gasps from...no one.), and who by, but a little unassuming EU underdog...yes, I mean Romania! Land of ciorba, Dracula, and uh, other -uh stuff. It was...perfect. I can't think of other words. And it will seem an obsession--and it is, really, but not in a bad way. But the obsession doesn't really have much to do with the actual land--though that land is spectacular and unmatched in my opinion--but just in the way that land is connected to those people. I have no idea how, but after a week and a half, every single one of them just...I don't know how to say it without sounding cheesy and Hallmark-ish. In such a short time, they got worked so well into my heart that it hurt to leave. Every single person. Even people I barely said words to. And it's funny, because I said words to almost everyone, even to those who couldn't understand them. : )

I don't want it to come off like I'm obsessed with Romania because...the hiking was incredible (which it was), or because the mountains were SO beautiful (which they were), or because there were SO MANY watermelons (which there were teehee). All those things are true, but I'm obsessed with Romania because somehow, I LOVE those people. Boys and girls, young and old, happy and a little moody haha. There's not one person I met there that wasn't incredibly kind and welcoming to me, and not one person whose face I don't miss.

I just feel such an incredible tug towards that place. I had never planned on going before, but the invite came and I thought, Well Lord, didn't think this was ever happening, but shall we give it a shot? He said yes, and I've been a goner ever since. I've spent every waking (and sleeping! haha) moment thinking about Romania, and I'm pretty sure I'll be spending every penny I've got trying to stow away to get back again. I miss my Romanians!

So as much as I call them my obsessions, like they're trivial little whatevers, I really honestly with my whole heart miss Romania, and some Romanians, and still Britains, and some British folk. When it has to do with actual people, it's a little more than just omiworddidyoujustseethenewphotoshootforsoandsoit'sAMAZING type obsessions.

Anyhow, it's super late and blah I'm tired. So noapte buna! But if I were in Romania right now, I'd be saying buna dimineata! It's uh, not 10 in the morning there at all...no sir, not that late, except it is. Boo.


Laurel said...

Megan- The subject of Romania- I was invited. I couldn't go. But I want to go. I want you to be there too. The end.

maggie87 said...

Laurel: I saw your name on the list. I was sad you couldn't go. I want to go back. I want you to be there too. Maybe next year? the Lord knows. Miss you! : )

Firefly said...

I kind of like most of your obsessions because I learn something somewhat proffitable from listening to you talk about them. Unlike mine which consist mostly of Joss Whedon, HP, and other such fantasy things. Or random animal, plant, and rock things.

maggie87 said...

Haha, thanks! I like your obsessions too though. And mine aren't ALL so profitable. : ) You've only seen the tip of the iceberg of my craziness, haha, and it's not all so cool...

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